Partner Profile: IZWTAG

Partner Profile: IZWTAG Transforming Waste Management with First Nations in BC

Partner Profile: IZWTAG Transforming Waste Management with First Nations in BC

Partner Highlights

At Tire Stewardship BC (TSBC), our mission is to empower consumers across BC to return their old car tires so they can be recycled into innovative new products. By recycling tires, we divert waste from landfills and support the provincial economy through the sustainable processing of scrap rubber.

In 2019, the Indigenous Zero Waste Technical Advisory Group (IZWTAG) was founded to implement zero waste programs in First Nations communities. Recognizing the alignment of goals between the two organizations, TSBC proudly became a member of IZWTAG in 2020. The ongoing relationship focuses on promoting local and cooperative solutions with regional districts and other product stewards to amplify recycling, composting, and waste reduction efforts.

IZWTAG’s endeavours are evident through various training programs, resources, funding opportunities, and strategic partnerships. These initiatives have significantly advanced waste management operations in BC, including the promotion and implementation of TSBC’s tire recycling program. An innovative idea to bring stewardship organizations closer to communities led to the creation of the First Nations Recycling Initiative (FNRI) in 2017. TSBC has been a partner of the FNRI since its creation. Today, the FNRI collaborates with 11 Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) recycling programs and numerous First Nations communities across BC, raising awareness, promoting education, and supporting community recycling programs.

This April, TSBC was one of the proud sponsors of the 3rd Annual IZWTAG Day Conference & Zero Waste event. Members of the TSBC team attended and witnessed the remarkable progress of IZWTAG and their ongoing efforts. Highlights included the growing participation of First Nations communities in various waste management programs, the increased number of materials collected, successful cleanups promoting safe waste disposal and recycling, and exemplary waste management projects that serve as models for other communities. The event showcased the strengthening relationships and partnerships between organizations, all working together to create zero waste communities in BC.

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