Retailer Hub - Tire Stewardship BC

Retailer Hub

Retailer Hub

Welcome Tire Retailers!

This page is all for you.

The education centre was designed to give you, the retailer, an overview of our program. With just a few clicks, you’ll better understand the important role you play and areas where you can help make tire recycling more successful.  And don’t just inform yourself. Please share this with your team members so they can easily answer any customer question like “What happens to scrap tires?”

As a retailer, what’s my responsibility?

That’s a great question.

As a retailer, you are the obligated party under the BC Recycling Regulation. What does that mean?  If you sell new tires or equipment with new tires that fall within our program (such as cars or trailers) you must either register with Tire Stewardship BC or submit your own stewardship plan for approval by the ministry to manage and recycle the tires you sell when they reach end of life. It’s a big responsibility. Each year, we collect the equivalent of over 5.5 million car tires. We’ve learned a lot from our experience and we can help you too.

The eco fee

You are required to remit the Advance Disposal Fee (or eco fee) to TSBC every month for every new tire you sell.  It’s as easy as using our online platform to enter the data.  There, you’ll find all your past remittances, and you will be able to update your contact information. Read up on the types of tires and remittance rules.

How do I get scrap tires picked up?

First, the scrap tires need to be ready. Make sure they’re clean, easily accessible and off any rims. It’s important to help our haulers, read the rules and learn about service fees. Then, reach out for pick up in two ways:


Even more information is here. And, if you have any issues with pick up, please call our office at 1.866.759.0488.

How does the Return-to-Retailer program work?

In a nutshell, be open to accepting a few more old tires.

Here’s how the Return-to-Retailer works: any person, not just a customer, can return 4 passenger or light truck tires to a tire retailer. The tires must be clean, off the rims and delivered during the retailer’s business hours.

The R2R program is easy. It’s voluntary. And it’s a huge help to keeping BC’s environment free of scrap tires. Over 750 tire and equipment retailers have already registered with TSBC.

For more detail, go here. To register now, send us a quick email.

What is TSBC’s role in tire recycling?

Our role is to help you! 
(And other groups around you.)

Our role can be broken down into four parts:

  1. We help fulfill your mandate under the BC Recycling Regulation by managing the collection and processing of the tires in our province.
  2. We use over 90% of the eco fee to haul and process the scrap tires and to make new products
  3. We submit and manage the stewardship plan to the Ministry of Environment every five years, and report annually to the Ministry on the program’s status. Our network is proud of those BC tire retailers that are compliant with the regulation; thanks for all the hard work from everyone, including you!
  4. We conduct compliance reviews to make sure tire retailers are remitting correctly and answer any questions about the program. Take a moment to read the details of this important program. And, if you need some help, reach out to our Compliance Department.

What happens to scrap tires?

They live another life.

Old tires can become fun and useful new things like playground surfaces, animal mats, gym flooring, running tracks and other automotive products. And all of the hard work of collecting and processing happens right here in BC.

Some of the processing is done by Heidelberg Materials, while a large portion is handled by Western Rubber Products (a division of Liberty Tire). Western recycles some tires into landscaping mulch but most of them become crumb rubber, which is mainly sold to North West Rubber, also located in BC. From there, the rubber is used in new products as listed above. Check out this video to learn more.

Where does the money go?

It goes right back into BC.

All of the eco fees remitted to TSBC go right back into the program, mainly paid out to collect, recycle and make new products from the scrap tires.

The remaining 10% helps tire recycling operations throughout the province and promote our program. These promotions include: regional collection events, consumer education, program administration and community grants.

Since 2009, TSBC has provided grants to over 90 communities for nearly 350 projects that used our recycled rubber. You may have seen some of these projects in your own town in the form of playgrounds, running tracks and arena flooring.

All of our financial information is audited and found in the TSBC Annual Report.

7 ways retailers can help

  1. 1

    Follow us on social media

    Check out the News and Updates section of our site to stay connected to what TSBC is doing to make this the best program in Canada.

  2. 2

    Share this information with team members.

    Make sure all of your colleagues have read this section so they can help answer any questions your customer may have.

  3. 3

    Take back scrap tires.

    For every new tire you sell, please take back an old tire.

  4. 4

    Sign up for our Return-to-Retailer program.

    It’s an easy step that really helps.

  5. 5

    Make tire collection easier.

    To make tire recycling a success – make sure the tires are clean, off rim and easily accessible for your haulers.

  6. 6

    Host a tire collection event.

    Contact us to set up a tire collection event. Then, we’ll help you promote the event and provide a truck and driver to make sure the whole thing is a success. It helps your community and attracts potential new customers.

  7. 7

    Talk about the TSBC Community Grant Program.

    Consider helping your community by applying for the grant or helping to fund the project. TSBC does a lot of promotion around these events, so this is a great way to see your hard work come full circle, back into your community.

Retailer Resources

Visit our Retailer Hub for more information.

Scrap Tire Collection
To arrange scrap tire pick up at your location, please go here to get our contact information.
Schedule A Tire Definitions
This document outlines the specific tire types included and excluded in the Regulation, provides definitions for further clarity and the Advance Disposal Fees by tire type.
ADF Remittance Guidelines
Get detailed information on remittance procedures including applicable tires sales, exemptions, due dates, contact information, etc.
Return to Retailer Info Sheet
A description of the Return to Retailer program and its benefits.
E-Commerce User Guide
Instructions to submit your ADF Returns and payments, monitor your account balance, manage your contact information, and confirm who has access to your company’s ADF data.
E-Commerce Quick Reference Guide
A quick reference guide for key concepts of the TSBC e-commerce system.
Registering with TSBC
A checklist to see if you should be registered with TSBC.
Sale or Closure Form
The form to be completed and returned to TSBC if your business is closing or being sold.
Imported Vehicle Program
ADFs are collectible at designated BC inspection stations from individuals or companies that import tires from the US. If you are an inspection station, familiarize yourself with the program.
GST Ruling
This document is the 2007 CRA ruling about GST/HST applicability on the various transactions within TSBC’s program, specifically the GST/HST ruling on ADFs remitted by retailers to TSBC.
Compliance Reviews
TSBC regularly conducts compliance reviews of all retailers. We felt it would be helpful to share information about the review process and some questions and answers.
Bicycle Tire Retailers
Learn about bicycle tire recycling in BC and if you want to participate, you can learn more here.
Retailers List
Get the most up-to-date list of tire retailers in BC.
Scrap Tire Generators List
Get the latest list of scrap tire generators.
TSBC Information Sheet
Tire Stewardship BC (TSBC) is a provincial not-for-profit society responsible for delivering BC’s scrap tire recycling program

Retailer News & Newsletters


October, 2024

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